
WWW Inside Rhineforum
Time 2006-09-10
Language English
Speaker Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Reinhard Selten
Topic Bounded Rationality
Abstract According to  economics, different parties in the market environment affect the game result differently. The boundary of rationality is therefore critical.


Bounded Rationality
Presented by: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Reinhard Selten


On September 10, 2006,the 11th seminar of Rhine Forum is honored to have Prof.Dr. Reinhard Selten, winner of 1994 Nobel prize of economics as our speaker on "Bounded Rationality".

The term "Bounded Rationality" is thought to have been coined by Herbert Simon. In Models of My Life, Herbert Simon points out that most people are only partly rational, and are in fact emotional/irrational in the remaining part of their actions. In another work, he states "boundedly rational agents experience limits in formulating and solving complex problems and in processing (receiving, storing, retrieving, transmitting) information". The concept is in contrast to complete rationality and there are various sub-theories within it. One of these are discovered by Prof.Dr. Selten.

Starting with small examples such as"out of view, out of mind","framing effect" the idea of bounded rationality is introduced. Next the larger scale problems like competition of global coffee market and low interested rate of the USA reveals the wide application of the concept. The last part of the talk introduced theories like "prominence", "measure for measure".

Despite its pure theoretical nature, the topic has been related with daily life in the presentation and therefore plain to most students.

Before the seminar Prof.Dr. Selten was interviewed by Deutsche Welle. In answer to the question on why he comes to the Chinese student's forum, he talked about his close collaborations with Chinese universities. Laboratories and institutes in TongJi University, Southwest JiaoTong University, and Nankai University have been founded and named after him. He regards Chinese students as the major manpower in this cooperation and is glad to discuss with students with different background.

After his report he joined the students for photos.

GENG Hong (English Version by WANG Yuan)

The Speaker


Prof.Dr.Dr. Reinhard Selten  (October 5, 1930) is a German economist.

Selten was born in Breslau (Wrocław) in Lower Silesia, now in Poland. For his work in game theory, Selten won the 1994 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics (shared with John Harsanyi and John Nash). He is also well known for his work in bounded rationality, and can be considered as one of the founding fathers of experimental economics. He developed an example of a game called Selten's Horse because of its extensive form representation. He is noted for his publishing in non-refereed journals to avoid being forced to make unwanted changes to his work.


Autobiography in official web site of the Nobel prize http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/economics/laureates/1994/selten-autobio.html

Introduction in Chinese

Updated: 2007-12-01

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